Karl Robert Flanner

Karl Robert Flanner arrived into the home of Raymond Loring Flanner and Alice Estella (Benedict) Flanner on January9, 1958. He joined 3 brothers, Frank, Dean and Don Flanner and 3 sisters, Margaret, Jan and Alena. His baby sister, Karen, would arrive 3 years later, almost to the day. He grew and thrived at the family farm in Fulton, Kansas, before the family moved to Fort Scott during his 8th year. He completed his education through the Fort Scott school system and is an alumnus of FSHS class of 1976. 

By his own words, he accepted Christ as his savior as a young teen, yet he wandered through the young seasons of his life. 

After graduation he began hiscareer atthe “OwlRoost”, where hemet his wife and life partner, Joyce (Golden) Flanner. Theyweremarried on June 7, 1980 at West LibertyUnitedMethodist church. Two yearslater, theywere blessed to become the parents ofKyle Raymond Flanner. Their second son, Kevin Ryan Flanner, arrived in August of 1984, just asthey beganmaking plansto purchase the “OwlRoost”. 

With help from many family members, Karl, and Joyce, owned and operated Flanner’s Owl Roost for the next 12 plus years, until a fire destroyed the business in 1996. Karl’s work ethic and ability to engage people brought him success in the business area and he finished his career at Peerless Products, where he worked through chemotherapy treatments and his late stages of cancer. 

Karl, like all of us,may be best defined by certain life events and hisresponse to those; as well asthe quality of hisrelationships. Some ofthosemoments were the birth of hisfirst grandson and the loss of hisfather andmother.During thisseason in particular, Karlshared that his understanding and acceptance ofGod’s grace andmercy poured over hislife as he began to search forGod’s purpose and direction. Afterseeing hisson, Kyle, leave this earth forHeaven in 2015, hisfocus onGod’s kingdombecamemore focused and pervasive in allthat he said and did. 

Aquick smile and encouraging wordwere always available and he showed care and respectto all who knewhim. He loved Jesus, hisfamily and friends, andwas aChiefsfan for alltime. His greatest joys were serving Christ and spending timewith hisfamily and friends, particularly, hischildren, Kevin and Stephanie (Stiemsma) and his grandchildren, Treyton, Logan, Tobias and Ronin Flanner. 

Karl joined his Savior on February8, 2021, where hewas alsowelcomed by hisson, Kyle; his parents and a greatcloud ofwitnesses who have gone on before. We seekChrist’s peace in ourloss and lean on our hope and assurance of being reunited inHeaven some day. 

Family and friends are invited to swap stories and remembrances on Thursday, February11, from 5:30-7:30 PMat Fort ScottNazarene. The funeralwill also be held at Fort ScottNazarene on Friday, February12, at 11:00 AM. Chiefs attire is appropriate. Memorials are suggested to Fort

Scott Nazarene and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, POBox347, 201 S. Main St., Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at cheneywitt.com.

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Fort Scott, US
5:23 am, March 3, 2025
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